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Who We Are
Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) is an association of individuals and institutions committed to the principles, philosophy and practice of Landcare in Uganda. ULN is registered as a trustee to champion Landcare activities nationwide. It is built on the global successes of Landcare including Australia where it was launched close to 30 years ago and has been adopted worldwide by communities and land managers dedicated to sustainable land management. The governance structure of ULN includes a Board of Trustees composed of founder members; a lean Secretariat to manage the day-to-day business; and member organizations involved in the implementation of land care activities.
Our Goals
The ULN Strategic Plan establishes a longer term view and provides key directions for natural resource management over the next five years under these major goals.
Improved knowledge management for natural resource management outcomes among communities, policy makers, technocrats and partners.
Capacity built for ULN members, Government officials, implementing partners and community leaders to improve their abilities to initiate, implement and supervise natural resource management/Landcare projects in the communities. This will include capacity to develop and utilize modules and approaches for sustainable land use and management.
Institutional mechanisms developed for Landcare in Uganda.
Allies, development/conservation partners identified and linked directly to communities to start Natural Resource Management projects, focusing on the following themes:
- Improving land use and land management.
- Landcare initiatives for special interest groups.
- Schools (junior landcare), PWDs, – Evergreen agriculture.
- Tree planting.
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation.
- Solid waste management.
- Environmental parks in urban areas: healthy parks healthy people.
- Community engagement
Catalyze dialogue on Trans-border natural resource management issues in the EA region.
Support enterprises and value chains that are enhance environmental sustainability.